looks like an ordinary day, the Polish (I do not say the world's) wedding? This is usually a room full of guests, luxury, fashionable dress, a sumptuous table, and the band singing various hits lively (and sometimes peace, but often disco-in). Do just enough? Well of course not, but I think that a good contrast to the old traditional Polish wedding, which lasted several days (and nights), guests danced, sang, and all around there was a buzz and lots of colorful, traditional costumes. Such a wedding present in its tracks ,, Wedding, Stanislaw Wyspianski. Classic, not classic, but it's still interesting and how!
What treats the book, it was already in the introduction. Apparently nothing interesting: ot, fun, you know - sumptuous and joyful ( and this is true). But there is something surprising and unexpected, but the further the story a little later. First something about the structure, which is quite interesting and distinguishing the book from other dramas. The author bases his art on short scenes (which is especially noticeable in the Act I), where the conversation usually see two or three people suddenly dashed the next stage and then continued. There is no monotony, oh no! Application of this treatment raises curiosity and sets this drama. Reads quite differently przekomicznego,, Tartuffe, "Moliere, or,, Antigone" by Sophocles, and otherwise just, The Wedding "(and it is visible after a few pages).
mom cramped shoes.
squints And that, my gold.
Bride Of
sewcem tako robot.
dances barefoot.
young Miss!
Well, this again? You can see these is nothing.
why bother? For what purpose?
be shaking in my shoes at the wedding. (...)
There are also serious conversations, jokes, laughter. I betray in this place this extraordinary drama (note, this may be spoiler, which I will tell some of stamps story.) In the words of the Poet Young Couple produces Chochoły standing on the field, and with them the ghosts. This is what they wanted to. The jokes came out something strange. Revives one of those standing near Chochołów, there is a phantom, and the events in a royal clown cut comments - Stanczyk. An interesting treatment, I will not say no. Apart from a few people, nobody do not notice their appearance, play continues.
Those who pass through the first act, I will meet with these characters, which are the topic of this fabulous art.
interesting procedure is that it is not known what was about to happen, who else will come out as unrealistic. The advantage is just that the action is unpredictable, but you can guess what will end the drama (maybe not literally, but briefly).
Each act is treated properly about something else. Everything connects to the image of a simple country wedding, but the subjects in each of the parts are different. I would like to have nothing to talk about the content, but I can not refrain from this, that every act but to summarize in one word. Well, so much in general, to explain his view of differences of each component. The first is a description of the wedding, the second coming of fantastic characters, and the third is a description of the preparations for, the struggle for the country "and the finale of these activities.
And who here said that the classics can not be stopped, and also good memories from her time spent?
quoted from
a Wyspianski S. - "The Wedding", ed. Zielona Sowa, Krakow 2006, p. 22-23
Illustrations come successively with
1) http: / / www.empik-cafe.com/wesele-wyspianski-stanislaw, 12337, book-p
2) http://www.kurtiak-ley.pl/wyspianski-stanislaw-wesele-die -hochzeit/wesele-wyspianski-edycja-kolekcjonerska /
3) http://www.klub.senior.pl/sztuka-kulturoznawstwo/t-piekno-na-ktore-warto-zwrocic-uwage-cz.-iii-page7-1982.html
4) http://u-jaksy.miech.pl/
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