special day today - the sixth anniversary of the death of one of the eminent Polish - John Paul II. Exactly second April 2005 at 21:37 went to this special Father's House Pope. Today, the cities will be white marches through the streets of the Way of the Cross, concerts and television programs devoted to even give this exceptional person. Today I would like to embed two lines coming from,, Roman Triptych. "Slight volume of emergency, because the written and issued by the pope not under the real name of Karol Wojtyla, but under the name of the Pope. Collections of very rich in content, but I want to post I think that such two most famous works from,, Triptych ...".
already invited to the next review, which appears to be maybe tomorrow evening or the next day at noon
's poems, a nice reading:)
first Amazement
undulating wood slopes down
the rhythm of mountain streams
this rhythm is revealed you to me,
eternal Word.
How strange is your silence
in everything, everywhere and speaks
stworzony świat...
co razem z zatoką lasu
zstępuje w dół każdym zboczem...
to wszystko, co z sobą unosi
srebrzysta kaskada potoku,
który spada z góry rytmicznie
niesiony swym własnym prądem...
— niesiony dokąd?
Co mi mówisz górski strumieniu?
w którym miejscu ze mną się spotykasz?
ze mną, który także Przemijanie -
like you ...
Do you like?
(Let me stay here -
let me stop at the threshold,
behold one of the simplest zdumień.)
stream is not amazing, when it falls down
and forests descend silently to the rhythm of the stream
- but it is amazing man!
threshold which exceeds the world in him,
is the threshold amazement.
(this is what I used to wonder given the name "Adam".)
He was alone, with his amazement
among creatures that do not astonished
- enough for them to exist and pass .
Man reversible with them
zdumień wave.
astonishing, still to emerge
of this wave, which it floated,
like saying everything around:
"stop! - You have me havent »
" in me is the meeting place
the eternal Word "-
" stop, passing it makes sense »
" makes sense ... makes sense ... makes sense! "
undulating wood slopes down
the rhythm of mountain streams ...
If you want to find the source,
you have to go up against the current.
Tear, search, do not give,
know that it must be somewhere here -
Where are you, source? ... Where are you, source?
Silence ...
Stream, forest stream, I
uncover the mystery of his origin
(Silence - why are you silent?
how carefully hid the secret of your beginning.)
Allow me to wet his lips in spring water
feel fresh,
invigorating freshness.
Illustrations successively with
1) http://www.fotoplatforma.pl/fotografia/pl/3017/
2) http://qboosh.pl/gory/2006.07c -Ukraina/days.html
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