remember that at the beginning of my adventure with the work of CS Lewis, after narnijskim cycle, there is a book of great niegruba upload and content. The item that was,, Letters Screwtape, time passed and on the Polish market managed to receive such, continuation of "this book. Author of a collection of all his works he edited a few days before his death, and so this work is his last. Do you interesting? See for yourself. Lewis Insiders already know what will be, those non-experts, "let not worry, just about everyone will tell:)
,, Devil's toast, "takes its title from the first chapter of the book, in which the known position of the devil mentioned earlier - shifty, makes a toast at a party for young tempters. And here comes straight into his diabolical theories and ideas, designed to bring people astray. And so here is talking about democracy, equality and the same treatment of those less shrewd and intelligent. It is praised by the devil wygłaszającego his speech, and also criticized by the author. Same here, as in,, Letters to the old devil young ", what the hell is good, in fact, is wrong. An interesting approach, and difficult to achieve by the writer. I think the main focus is on these pleadings, the devil lies in the skipping of units outstanding. Devil great benefits of democracy, which by its nature, and not necessarily evil, but its use gives a lot to be desired.
Innym razem jest o tajemniczo zapewne brzmiących ,,niewidzialnych kręgach", które łączą różne grupy ludzi. Jest tu opisany proces zabiegania o przynależność do nich oraz kilka wskazówek Lewisa na przyszłość. Autor tradycyjnie poucza i daje do pomyślenia. Pisze prosto i bezpośrednio. Mówiąc kolokwialnie: nie owija w bawełnę. Ech, lubię tego pisarza :)
Pośród materiałów jest między innymi rozprawa dotycząca wiary. Są tu jednak przedstawione różne poglądy on it. The author is not just limited to the concepts associated with religion (although this and there is). Because it not occurred to us to respond to someone at his word phrase: "I do not believe?" A well, and that Lewis says.
In another place, the need for a perfect job and rewarding. Because if a man can take in a profession and not like him, maybe, but there will then be happy.
No time and no space here to tell any part of this book. It is necessary to read and consider yourself to be good or not. I encourage you to read, but as a huge fan of this writer's work or am I reliable? This may have a hint for the undecided: each chapter takes you about something else. People used to the books by Lewis knows that he does not write chapter after chapter about the same, and only revolves around a single issue, presenting a variety of positions, theories, and a total of reaching the end of the full explanation is driven on every page of his book the problem or issue. Here you can read out of order. This does not hinder the reading. Each chapter is different, but all offer guidelines for people and moving many of the problems and issues.
prompted you? If so, then I wish you pleasant reading!
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