Sunday, March 13, 2011

Brown Glitter Bathroom

Why the Psalms are so special? A few words from CS Lewis. Recent

O Psalmach już powiedziano wiele, każdy z nich wyśpiewano miliony razy, a ich słowa pojawiały się w wielu pracach badawczych. Głupotą byłoby temu zaprzeczyć. Pośród tej mnogości przeróżnych prac badawczych i książek opisujących te poetyckie teksty Starego Testamentu jest ciekawa i bardzo przejrzyście napisana pozycja pt. ,,Rozważania o Psalmach" autorstwa już znanego, lubianego i cenionego pisarza – C.S. Lewisa.

Autor patrzy na Psalmy w sposób ciekawy, jako badacz, miłośnik literatury, a także jako osoba gorliwie wierząca. And these three qualities can be seen in a book almost every page. And what takes the work itself? This can only briefly outline this topic? Lewis writes primarily about the differences between Jews and Christians, but mainly in terms of understanding the faith. It is interesting to look at those first on the courts of God and the desire for justice in spite of everything, and ask others about it, that God meted out to them instead of the court's mercy.

author further explains the issue of justice on the basis of the verses of the Psalms, and in the context of the New Testament. Many of these science based just the whole Bible texts and concepts related to faith, history, literature and culture of Antiquity. Interesting look at Lewis captures and reveals many new details and procedures in the Psalms, which are usually unnoticed by the ordinary reader, or if you've found it quickly abandoned so as not to interfere in the inspired texts. The author picks up on these questions and observations, and discusses in the context of the Psalter. The smell of the poetic texts of the Bible in the air and catch the smell of Lewis, describes and names each of his note of freshness. Because every word, even this coming directly from the people, is a beautiful hand written because the poet. Historical background is also not escaped the author mind and he speaks of the bloody, ruthless and full of hate and curse the time of paganism confronted with Israel.

Psalms is not the only topic discussed by the writer. Traditionally, says more about issues of faith, teaches and writes about many other things. In his pleadings, and cites a number of fascinating anecdotes, trivia and historical facts. Much space is here devoted to the description of the Jews themselves from ancient times, their culture, work, faith, art and everyday life. You can find out how many names in the Psalms of nature and how does this relate work performed by them. Why do these songs are so many curses and desire for justice of God in spite of everything, and the relationship between the Psalms and the New Testament, the coming of Christ and his earthly life (a relationship and it is tremendous), and where there is inspiration from God. Lewis was in an interesting way of these elements has derived only from the people and things inspired by God (because, as he himself notes: ,,(...) no good work is not created without the help of the Father of Light " a ). We see here one great story, which merged with the New Testament and its message continues.

Also in this book is accompanied by Lewis lightness of feathers and graceful transition between topics. Attached to the end of a few Psalms helps to try out at the beginning but a few of these poetic works, confront them with the newly acquired knowledge and guidance to find in them the author of the book. Maybe this book is to reach for the Psalter again? Perhaps you start to look at each Psalm in a new way with freshness and richness of content?


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Quote from:
a CS Lewis - "Reflections on the Psalms," ed. Esprit, 2011

Illustrations come successively with
2) http://www.
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