Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Difference Between Impetigo And Cold Sores

,, sympathy to some the author can sometimes be just as inexplicable and independent of us like falling in love " a

recently felt the need to read something optimistic, happy and filled with positive feelings. I put down the book until the spring of Dostoyevsky, in order not to fall into Winter depression and reached for my good old friend - CS Lewis and his book, Surprised by Joy, "which for a long time waiting on the shelf and shyly waited for my turn.

Despite my expectations, and the conclusions drawn from the burden of the title, the book is not so joyful, and at times it becomes almost painful. The author says the first, as befits an autobiography, about his childhood - initially carefree, but at some point a shocking tragedy. Lewis died because the mother. Writer is then divided us his children's theories about the faith and adulthood. It is very honest and tells the story-teller with his talent, seamlessly moving between topics. We see his first literary efforts, the accompanying sensations and feelings and the beginnings of a cover of Joy. Lewis speaks of his early literary tastes, and then mention the readily popular books. This shows just how varied the items read Lewis and what criteria to select reading head to read.

The next step is very dramatic vision of the school, to which Lewis was sent by his father. Suffering that the author himself has called for the preparation of Christianity, are present at every step. Uneasy everyday life in a boarding school life and a hell of beatings and intimidation show, sprinkled with fear and ruthlessness wykładających student teachers' knowledge. In addition, it is also not the reason for which Lewis lost his faith and became an atheist. Gradually departed from the faith and it is also well illustrated here. It is at this stage we see the process of maturation Writer - stage and all that that implies. It shows the path of here personality of the future author of Narnia, and many treatises on faith, atheism inherent in the snare.

book, I think that quite brave - the same author tells about the things that belong to the intimate sphere of human feelings. Divided their feelings, thoughts and deep skrywanymi things. Opens up the entire front of the reader as a book with numbers in a phone booth. Everyone can read what they want and without any scruples. Lewis did not in fact teatralizuje his life, nor hiperbolizuje his biography. He knows that he is a man and that the fate of this creature I digress. Here are reminded of a quote from,, Faust "by Goethe, who probably knew Lewis as a scholar of literature, and which reads as follows:" so long wandering, while seeking a man. " That is why the author does not hide his shortcomings and errors, in which anyone can learn.

book written very lightly, with no excess of dates, or rather with decreasing the absolute minimum. It is written like a novel one-person and at times very addicting. Describing the characters that appear in the life of Lewis, shows their impact on the characters and the author.

Usually people can not talk about yourself and be hard for them to say something negative about yourself. Lewis breaks this assumption. He says, and it very much. Sometimes it can be opened up too much, but in the end he is in charge here:) I think he chose to write his biography than to entrust it into the hands of anyone. He knew his feelings and emotions during the relevant periods of life. What's more-he wanted to show her a complex way to God and repentance.

Thoughts are not devoid of typical Lewis style, warm humor, and talks like the story teller. If you like any biography, or even a witty and candid book, I recommend it. I do not like biographies, but this position is different and unique. Maybe it will appeal to you?



citation is from :
a CS Lewis - "Surprised by Joy," wyd.Esprit, 2010, p. 276

Illustrations successively with


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