Saturday, March 26, 2011

What Does A Laserjet Transfer Roller Do

invite you to,, wedding":)

looks like an ordinary day, the Polish (I do not say the world's) wedding? This is usually a room full of guests, luxury, fashionable dress, a sumptuous table, and the band singing various hits lively (and sometimes peace, but often disco-in). Do just enough? Well of course not, but I think that a good contrast to the old traditional Polish wedding, which lasted several days (and nights), guests danced, sang, and all around there was a buzz and lots of colorful, traditional costumes. Such a wedding present in its tracks ,, Wedding, Stanislaw Wyspianski. Classic, not classic, but it's still interesting and how!

What treats the book, it was already in the introduction. Apparently nothing interesting: ot, fun, you know - sumptuous and joyful ( and this is true). But there is something surprising and unexpected, but the further the story a little later. First something about the structure, which is quite interesting and distinguishing the book from other dramas. The author bases his art on short scenes (which is especially noticeable in the Act I), where the conversation usually see two or three people suddenly dashed the next stage and then continued. There is no monotony, oh no! Application of this treatment raises curiosity and sets this drama. Reads quite differently przekomicznego,, Tartuffe, "Moliere, or,, Antigone" by Sophocles, and otherwise just, The Wedding "(and it is visible after a few pages).

quite a different matter, and also unique, is to use a few styling such as the language of country, which is spoken by Miss Young, solemn speech of the Poet, or the local dialect, a priest who does not hide its simple origin. In addition to this is humor, which does not poskąpił Wyspianski. His example is eg a few,, chlapnięć "said bride who does not always know what to say in a given situation. In my opinion, she is simply terrific. This humor emanating from it arouses in the reader a warmth and a smile on your face.

mom cramped shoes.

And that, my gold.

Bride Of
sewcem tako robot.

dances barefoot.

young Miss!
Well, this again? You can see these is nothing.

why bother? For what purpose?

be shaking in my shoes at the wedding. (...)
(Act I, Scene XII) a "

There are also serious conversations, jokes, laughter. I betray in this place this extraordinary drama (note, this may be spoiler, which I will tell some of stamps story.) In the words of the Poet Young Couple produces Chochoły standing on the field, and with them the ghosts. This is what they wanted to. The jokes came out something strange. Revives one of those standing near Chochołów, there is a phantom, and the events in a royal clown cut comments - Stanczyk. An interesting treatment, I will not say no. Apart from a few people, nobody do not notice their appearance, play continues.
Those who pass through the first act, I will meet with these characters, which are the topic of this fabulous art.

interesting procedure is that it is not known what was about to happen, who else will come out as unrealistic. The advantage is just that the action is unpredictable, but you can guess what will end the drama (maybe not literally, but briefly).

Each act is treated properly about something else. Everything connects to the image of a simple country wedding, but the subjects in each of the parts are different. I would like to have nothing to talk about the content, but I can not refrain from this, that every act but to summarize in one word. Well, so much in general, to explain his view of differences of each component. The first is a description of the wedding, the second coming of fantastic characters, and the third is a description of the preparations for, the struggle for the country "and the finale of these activities.

And who here said that the classics can not be stopped, and also good memories from her time spent?

quoted from

a Wyspianski S. - "The Wedding", ed. Zielona Sowa, Krakow 2006, p. 22-23

Illustrations come successively with
1) http: / /, 12337, book-p
2) -hochzeit/wesele-wyspianski-edycja-kolekcjonerska /

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Can You Put Carbonara In Fridge?


Today I want to present 2 valid shares. One of the fields of literature, and the other aimed at improving the fate of our planet. Let me start from the latter.

WWF on Saturday (26 March 2011) again organizes, for Earth Hour. "The action begins at 20:30 and to enable it to be for one hour to put out the light in his house. This is to be just such a symbol, but it also entails huge energy savings and help the world. The action has a global dimension and off the biggest and most famous places in the world (for example, in 2010, even though they were: the Eiffel Tower or Statue of Christ Redeemer in Rio). More to read at this address: , where you can download a lot of helpful materials, as well subscribe to the virtual extinguishing of lights.

Druga akcja to Dzień Czytania Tolkiena (25 marca 2011 - piątek) organizowany corocznie przez Tolkien Society. W tym roku tematem są ,,Drzewa w opowieściach Tolkiena". Wystarczy usiąść i przez kilka minut poczytać dowolnie przez siebie wybrany fragment z dzieł Profesora. Ja polecam rozdział ,,Silmarilliona" poświęcony Drzewom Valinoru, baśń pt. ,,Liść, dzieło Niggle'a" lub chociażby przemarsz entów w drugim tomie ,,Władcy Pierścieni". Motywów i fragmentów jest oczywiście o wiele więcej, mi akurat teraz takie wpadły do głowy. Ciekawą akcję organizuje jeden z czołowych Polish sites devoted to Tolkien and tolkienistyce - Elendilion. Feel free to familiarize yourself with this interesting form to spend the day either tolkienistów and people who like literature (Link: ).

A on Saturday or Sunday, another review, which is quietly waiting for the publication and might be a surprise to many:) Best wishes!

Illustrations successively with
1) http://www.srodmiescie

Monday, March 21, 2011

How Can I Get Military Immunization Records

The importance of living with imagination ...

header on a project even nascent skills specific to times of crisis: economic recipes, crafts, fixes ... Times are tough, but we have been here before and not bad to know how I rode our best during what was "the crisis." On power-up, update with the link, right.

Zebra Table Cover For Sale

Anders and co. have found the bad ...

Backyardigans Cakes For Sale

could be none to save the world ... Barrier Amalgam

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Can You Buy Pandora In Bulk

,, Кроткая "Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Czy książki należące do klasyki są nudne? Nie są, a przykładem tego jest niezwykła opowieść Fiodora Dostojewskiego pt. ,,Łagodna". Książka ta nie jest typowym opowiadaniem, ale za to kunszt i precyzyjność Autora są typowe.

Bohater, jak sam Dostojewski o nim pisze we wstępie, jest typem osoby lubiącej mówić do samego siebie, tłumaczyć się przed ,,niewidzialnymi ludźmi"i dodatkowo każde his word to speak as if they were directed to the judge. This is evident in the narrative when the hero returns to, the, masters. "Indeed, at first glance, it can be called if not schizophrenic, although you weirdo. And all of this, if that character is not enough, find themselves in extraordinary circumstances that shock or final loan share. Well, a few hours before she threw herself from the window of the main character's wife. He wonders about the motive of her act. accuses it yourself, it is again. It is not easy for him to come to terms with her loss. In order to even be more interesting and that the reader even more surprised, the whole is not a relation of events, or already known to history, and devising and creating the story only by her husband. He does not know anything. He went home for a while, and after his return he found his wife in the street, a crowd of people around her, and the heart of the great sorrow and anger at the same time led to the onlookers. Now it lies on two linked tables in his house, and he still does not know what happened. It is with this snuciu entire story from scratch, the presentation of the newest history of their common life, the motives of suicide emotions of both women and Dostoyevsky gave a song to his subtitle, fantastic stories. "
As I have said the woman had committed suicide, and her husband moneylender questions the investigation and telling the story of a marriage of both, passes to the appropriate share . In view of this there was continuous silence. His brave stance and its unusual gentleness of mutually exclusive and contrasted. And this silence as we both shared more than approached. This state lasted for months, days, hours, minutes, and even nearly every second of their life together. This silence is what determines a lack of understanding in the relationship. Their quarrels was just silence. Both of them have committed many errors that hushed, were as corrosive rust from the inside. They differ something else - the distance age. He was 41 years old, she and the 16th Man on a good case could be her father. It is known that during adolescence teenage child does not agree with my parents. She was just such a teenager, so that the man with whom she lived, was not her father and husband. Does this difference was the indirect cause of this is that,, Mild, "wanted to shoot a man?
This marriage was not the most successful from the outset. The author perfectly demonstrated this relationship in the monologues of the main character, who tries to speak objectively . indicates his guilt, shows the errors of his beloved. All this is doing to uncover the cause of the suicide of his wife. The circumstances are not fully explained, the hero sets out many of the concepts, but the tension lasts until the end. For if the woman who first sitting in front of an icon of the Mother of God and probably prayed, and then compresses the image and jump with him from a window, may be trivial reason? After suicide in Christianity, especially Catholicism and Orthodoxy in is so strong and the burden of sin, the soul, that almost unimaginable (and especially for eager believers, but for all). Dostoyevsky intrigues, stimulates thinking, amazing wonders and gives rise to reflection. It does not say explicitly, just circling and finally to the reader to be the last word here. Hardest of the whole book, keep in suspense the last page. We're not sure of anything until to the end.

The writer no doubt has talent, and it's huge!

Illustrations successively with


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Eyebrow Wax Louisville Ky

few drawings for Barrier-Free : D.

Wedding Seat Chart Template Free

Arcadio Riding

Arcadio is the ham that I have sponsored a great initiative from the Abuxarra Ham and his line (strategy, concept ..) Hams 2.0. Maria Jose and Rafa are currando a realistic business model, with the times, something I think is smart and, of course, courageous. The future belongs to those who know how to see the opportunities and Abuxarra Ham, apart from selling good ham and treveleño apart from being good people, close and loving, have a very interesting journey ahead. Initiatives like this inspire a lot, I think they are a role model.

I've made a drawing that one for them. This is a new one, I like working with Abuxarra Hams.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Brown Glitter Bathroom

Why the Psalms are so special? A few words from CS Lewis. Recent

O Psalmach już powiedziano wiele, każdy z nich wyśpiewano miliony razy, a ich słowa pojawiały się w wielu pracach badawczych. Głupotą byłoby temu zaprzeczyć. Pośród tej mnogości przeróżnych prac badawczych i książek opisujących te poetyckie teksty Starego Testamentu jest ciekawa i bardzo przejrzyście napisana pozycja pt. ,,Rozważania o Psalmach" autorstwa już znanego, lubianego i cenionego pisarza – C.S. Lewisa.

Autor patrzy na Psalmy w sposób ciekawy, jako badacz, miłośnik literatury, a także jako osoba gorliwie wierząca. And these three qualities can be seen in a book almost every page. And what takes the work itself? This can only briefly outline this topic? Lewis writes primarily about the differences between Jews and Christians, but mainly in terms of understanding the faith. It is interesting to look at those first on the courts of God and the desire for justice in spite of everything, and ask others about it, that God meted out to them instead of the court's mercy.

author further explains the issue of justice on the basis of the verses of the Psalms, and in the context of the New Testament. Many of these science based just the whole Bible texts and concepts related to faith, history, literature and culture of Antiquity. Interesting look at Lewis captures and reveals many new details and procedures in the Psalms, which are usually unnoticed by the ordinary reader, or if you've found it quickly abandoned so as not to interfere in the inspired texts. The author picks up on these questions and observations, and discusses in the context of the Psalter. The smell of the poetic texts of the Bible in the air and catch the smell of Lewis, describes and names each of his note of freshness. Because every word, even this coming directly from the people, is a beautiful hand written because the poet. Historical background is also not escaped the author mind and he speaks of the bloody, ruthless and full of hate and curse the time of paganism confronted with Israel.

Psalms is not the only topic discussed by the writer. Traditionally, says more about issues of faith, teaches and writes about many other things. In his pleadings, and cites a number of fascinating anecdotes, trivia and historical facts. Much space is here devoted to the description of the Jews themselves from ancient times, their culture, work, faith, art and everyday life. You can find out how many names in the Psalms of nature and how does this relate work performed by them. Why do these songs are so many curses and desire for justice of God in spite of everything, and the relationship between the Psalms and the New Testament, the coming of Christ and his earthly life (a relationship and it is tremendous), and where there is inspiration from God. Lewis was in an interesting way of these elements has derived only from the people and things inspired by God (because, as he himself notes: ,,(...) no good work is not created without the help of the Father of Light " a ). We see here one great story, which merged with the New Testament and its message continues.

Also in this book is accompanied by Lewis lightness of feathers and graceful transition between topics. Attached to the end of a few Psalms helps to try out at the beginning but a few of these poetic works, confront them with the newly acquired knowledge and guidance to find in them the author of the book. Maybe this book is to reach for the Psalter again? Perhaps you start to look at each Psalm in a new way with freshness and richness of content?


---- ------------------
Quote from:
a CS Lewis - "Reflections on the Psalms," ed. Esprit, 2011

Illustrations come successively with
2) http://www.
4) http : / /

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Kind Of Wet And Wavy Hair Did Bootz Have?

Barrier Free Drawing for

making some drawings for Barrier Free: D

Barrier Free

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Indian Boobs Variety Pic

meeting with CS Lewis

remember that at the beginning of my adventure with the work of CS Lewis, after narnijskim cycle, there is a book of great niegruba upload and content. The item that was,, Letters Screwtape, time passed and on the Polish market managed to receive such, continuation of "this book. Author of a collection of all his works he edited a few days before his death, and so this work is his last. Do you interesting? See for yourself. Lewis Insiders already know what will be, those non-experts, "let not worry, just about everyone will tell:)

,, Devil's toast, "takes its title from the first chapter of the book, in which the known position of the devil mentioned earlier - shifty, makes a toast at a party for young tempters. And here comes straight into his diabolical theories and ideas, designed to bring people astray. And so here is talking about democracy, equality and the same treatment of those less shrewd and intelligent. It is praised by the devil wygłaszającego his speech, and also criticized by the author. Same here, as in,, Letters to the old devil young ", what the hell is good, in fact, is wrong. An interesting approach, and difficult to achieve by the writer. I think the main focus is on these pleadings, the devil lies in the skipping of units outstanding. Devil great benefits of democracy, which by its nature, and not necessarily evil, but its use gives a lot to be desired.

This book is not only a continuation of the above well-known already, Letters ...". It's actually just a supplement. This is a variety of collections of sermons, speeches, lectures and hearing Lewis, uttered during the various ceremonies in different places. The whole jest zbiorem kilku tekstów powstałych w innych okresach życia Pisarza.

Innym razem jest o tajemniczo zapewne brzmiących ,,niewidzialnych kręgach", które łączą różne grupy ludzi. Jest tu opisany proces zabiegania o przynależność do nich oraz kilka wskazówek Lewisa na przyszłość. Autor tradycyjnie poucza i daje do pomyślenia. Pisze prosto i bezpośrednio. Mówiąc kolokwialnie: nie owija w bawełnę. Ech, lubię tego pisarza :)

Pośród materiałów jest między innymi rozprawa dotycząca wiary. Są tu jednak przedstawione różne poglądy on it. The author is not just limited to the concepts associated with religion (although this and there is). Because it not occurred to us to respond to someone at his word phrase: "I do not believe?" A well, and that Lewis says.

In another place, the need for a perfect job and rewarding. Because if a man can take in a profession and not like him, maybe, but there will then be happy.

No time and no space here to tell any part of this book. It is necessary to read and consider yourself to be good or not. I encourage you to read, but as a huge fan of this writer's work or am I reliable? This may have a hint for the undecided: each chapter takes you about something else. People used to the books by Lewis knows that he does not write chapter after chapter about the same, and only revolves around a single issue, presenting a variety of positions, theories, and a total of reaching the end of the full explanation is driven on every page of his book the problem or issue. Here you can read out of order. This does not hinder the reading. Each chapter is different, but all offer guidelines for people and moving many of the problems and issues.

prompted you? If so, then I wish you pleasant reading!


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Illustrations successively with
2) http://www.wdrodze. com /? mod = description & id = 910

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Congratulate Someone On A New House

About love, eternity and humility, courage, Lewis Surprised

beautifully through the window, winter, you probably already gone, or at least will be in a weaker form. I have a little surprise for All visitors to this blog. I have written several advance reviews of books and even a movie appears, but now I want something new to present.

a very long time, and at least a two or three years I have been fascinated by the poetry of Fr. Jan Twardowski. This simplicity, warmth, optimism and a smile (not so simple, but clear and honest) makes this fascination is growing. Well, we already know where to draw inspiration for writing his poetry. But not about this here. Last came a very interesting album with the interpretation of poems that the poet and a great assembly of word-music.

literary blog, so there probably will not happen when you paste the video promoting the album and the text of the author himself. I recommend to watch a few times, the movie really on the level, the music and the interpretation of knock-row delights. I do not know, maybe I am not credible, but I do wprawiło into raptures. No longer bored, and I encourage you to listen. I'm curious about your opinions.

In the video there are 3 rows of Fr. Twardowski. They are interwoven and combined in a sung text, and then read. Below is the text of the author - in the original version and not converted for this video. Feel free to listen and read.

Love (Do not break his hand in vain ...) *

not break their arms in vain

saved the world
pasque flowers open wide
our earthly troubles are not worth so worth
pain as though he was just upset at how
quite long at nearly stopped
gratitude even when not all
black ant from the bottom of reddish
not cry that no one does not kiss you in the eye
love of this world any surprise


other **

In eternity, otherwise it is not known as Small as large
loves to just
that is the longest shortest

eternity - a love at once
forever not for a moment
enjoy the children died shortly
dragonflies butterflies

Request (Sam's have done well ...) ***
Sam have done nothing either good nor less
is just an angel sometimes distributed

through my hands I could not love or fidelity, or infidels

someone else better
loved by me did not understand the tenets

morning, noon, night

trust that you explain when I close my eyes



Poems come from:

* http://www.poema
*** http://www.poema.

Illustrations successively with
2), 352612, page, 2, index.html
3), 352612, page, 2, index.html

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Difference Between Impetigo And Cold Sores

,, sympathy to some the author can sometimes be just as inexplicable and independent of us like falling in love " a

recently felt the need to read something optimistic, happy and filled with positive feelings. I put down the book until the spring of Dostoyevsky, in order not to fall into Winter depression and reached for my good old friend - CS Lewis and his book, Surprised by Joy, "which for a long time waiting on the shelf and shyly waited for my turn.

Despite my expectations, and the conclusions drawn from the burden of the title, the book is not so joyful, and at times it becomes almost painful. The author says the first, as befits an autobiography, about his childhood - initially carefree, but at some point a shocking tragedy. Lewis died because the mother. Writer is then divided us his children's theories about the faith and adulthood. It is very honest and tells the story-teller with his talent, seamlessly moving between topics. We see his first literary efforts, the accompanying sensations and feelings and the beginnings of a cover of Joy. Lewis speaks of his early literary tastes, and then mention the readily popular books. This shows just how varied the items read Lewis and what criteria to select reading head to read.

The next step is very dramatic vision of the school, to which Lewis was sent by his father. Suffering that the author himself has called for the preparation of Christianity, are present at every step. Uneasy everyday life in a boarding school life and a hell of beatings and intimidation show, sprinkled with fear and ruthlessness wykładających student teachers' knowledge. In addition, it is also not the reason for which Lewis lost his faith and became an atheist. Gradually departed from the faith and it is also well illustrated here. It is at this stage we see the process of maturation Writer - stage and all that that implies. It shows the path of here personality of the future author of Narnia, and many treatises on faith, atheism inherent in the snare.

book, I think that quite brave - the same author tells about the things that belong to the intimate sphere of human feelings. Divided their feelings, thoughts and deep skrywanymi things. Opens up the entire front of the reader as a book with numbers in a phone booth. Everyone can read what they want and without any scruples. Lewis did not in fact teatralizuje his life, nor hiperbolizuje his biography. He knows that he is a man and that the fate of this creature I digress. Here are reminded of a quote from,, Faust "by Goethe, who probably knew Lewis as a scholar of literature, and which reads as follows:" so long wandering, while seeking a man. " That is why the author does not hide his shortcomings and errors, in which anyone can learn.

book written very lightly, with no excess of dates, or rather with decreasing the absolute minimum. It is written like a novel one-person and at times very addicting. Describing the characters that appear in the life of Lewis, shows their impact on the characters and the author.

Usually people can not talk about yourself and be hard for them to say something negative about yourself. Lewis breaks this assumption. He says, and it very much. Sometimes it can be opened up too much, but in the end he is in charge here:) I think he chose to write his biography than to entrust it into the hands of anyone. He knew his feelings and emotions during the relevant periods of life. What's more-he wanted to show her a complex way to God and repentance.

Thoughts are not devoid of typical Lewis style, warm humor, and talks like the story teller. If you like any biography, or even a witty and candid book, I recommend it. I do not like biographies, but this position is different and unique. Maybe it will appeal to you?



citation is from :
a CS Lewis - "Surprised by Joy," wyd.Esprit, 2010, p. 276

Illustrations successively with