Monday, May 23, 2011

Lack Of Pms Pregnant?

And again, something Tolkien:)

About Tolkien wrote a lot, did not conceal my fascination ever a writer (and sometimes is "concealing" it was all too strong and of a nature to impose someone lekturki the pillow: D). Another review I dedicate this writer and to encourage the next book. This time it is not a position written by Tolkien, a book about him.,, Visionary and Dreamer (original simply, A Biography ") by H. Carpenter, is everything that every fan (but the person interested in literature) should know about the author, Lord of the Rings. "

Maybe I'll start from the end. Carpenter maintained his arguments very well and you can see that he knows perfectly biography of Tolkien. It is not one of those writers who write a book, write the name in the title of Professor and is already half the battle behind them, and the cash goes to the same account (even though it was written within their position are the same crap, facts sucked from a finger and multiple repeating the same - these books is at least a few, even in Poland). No, Carpenter got in his work for many people, from friends, and the completion of the immediate family of JRR Tolkien. And that did a good and decent works (as an avid connoisseur of life Inklings - an informal literary group, which gave the Professor Tolkien), is another matter.

This item shows a way of life of the future author of Middle-earth, from the history of his parents before the birth of JRR Tolkien, through his childhood and adolescence, adulthood and the end of life. Each of the major characters who he met on his way Ronald (known as Tolkien), is here mentioned, and even written, which influenced the life and subsequent career of this then a young boy. With these descriptions and relationships is also linked to show the society of that time, university life, professional work in later years (including the Professor's friendship with CS Lewis and conversion to Christianity of the future authors of Narnia), a literary club activities and the situation of Tolkien's wife, who could not empathize the role of the Oxford professor and his wife felt lonely during the long work and her husband's absence.

Tolkien example shows that you do not have be well-born to achieve something. This orphaned by their parents in childhood boy climbed, worked together and with determination and self-denial, he went away. They helped him in this no doubt meeting people. He had a lot of happiness in life, but through the fervent hope and faith (in fact his mother moved with the two brothers Tolkienami to Catholicism, his opposition to the relatives. She died in poverty and that its example It was a great extent, the firm and strong faith of Tolkien and his brother in God and the Bible). Has the impression that such a request comes from a book in just a few chapters. In addition, the same writer was shown here as a character that breaks the stereotype of an Englishman sipping tea every day at 17:00 and by the way devoid of humor. Students liked his teacher was a mass of optimism and laughter caused by his jokes (of course next to the great teachings of the wygłaszanym). And besides, he lived in the fast lane and worked all day (and sometimes a few hours of the night).

Inside the book are many interesting themes (such as the beautiful love of Tolkien to a girl who, despite very many objections environment has become his wife) that make it not read this item as a biography, but as a novel about our favorite writer. The narrative is enriched with cleverly incorporated into the views of Professor expression, fragments of letters and quotations from the works. The form quite original, at least not dry and without heart and soul. Few biographers have such a talent. Maybe that's why this is so, that Carpenter does not express just how such a stereotypical artist's biography, but as someone familiar, not to speak for the sake of many private details about JRR Tolkien's life that, as a family.

author shows family relationships and friendships, the question of Tolkien's faith and his professional work and writing. Professor silhouette is carefully described and the task of demonstrating the Ronald as an ordinary man who did not was something isolated because he loved his invented languages \u200b\u200band fantastic fairy tale and the earth. The book breaks down many stereotypes and rumors, and is a valuable compendium of information about Tolkien. In addition, at some point perfectly coincides with,, Letters "the same writer that was published was edited by H. Carpenter - the author of this book.

just for those reasons, I agree with the information on the book so that this biography is the best possible in the market. There is nothing new, since founded in 1977, but it is still valid and a source of inspiration (and a mine of knowledge about Tolkien) for many subsequent investigators Ronald life. Well, thanks to the recent resumption of went under the thatch Polish readers (again), and a great fit in the bookcase next to Tolkien,, The Silmarillion "," Lord of the Rings "or, Children of Hurin."

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