Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Honda Pilot Front End

very humane in its sacredness

After the beatification of Pope Pole there are many questions: when will be declared a saint? Is his science will be explored further? And also perhaps a question: who was accompanied by the Slavonic Pope on the way to holiness during his pontificate, as well as in front of him? How fulfilled his mission of spreading God's mercy is probably seen, and whence he drew vivid examples and a certificate? About this book tells Fri ,, My saints. " It arose from a set of different speech, excerpts of books and homilies of John Paul II.

,, Life is a talent (cf. Mt 25, 14-30), entrusted to us, we had transformed it, and multiply, making it a gift to others. No man is lonely \u0026lt;\u0026lt;górą lodową>>, drifting on the ocean of history, each of us is a great family, which has its place and role to play. "

John Paul II at the beginning tells us about what is sacred and how to seek it. This is not a complete mystery and inaccessible to humans, but simply opening up to God (Which can be seen even during the contemplation of nature, a work of art, death of a loved one or childbirth, and many other events listed in this book) and to carry out its life fully and in accordance with the Bible and moral principles. John Paul II urges us not so much what you just cries out, each of you may be using the grace of God - the sacred. " For example, perhaps even a model, the Pope has given us many of the saints, as well as their different ways towards the pursuit of excellence (there is asceticism, martyrdom, the fight for ideals, as well as family life and marriage. He emphasizes that it may be blessed and laity, who in his life pursuing God's will and try to live well and beautifully .) Described here are those well-known saints such as St. Wojciech, and Stanislaus, as well as lesser known, like St.. St. Charles Borromeo (died young because of the penitential mode of life and continuous operation). Individual images of saints or the blessed (or simply those described herein) are accompanied by brief descriptions posted by Mrs. Justina Kiliańczyk - Zieba being a prelude to the words of the Pope.

This position raises a really strong emotions, because the saints are depicted here is not hagiographic legends of heroes (although a few of the medieval character appears), but simply people like to us, who, however, has denied his benefit for others (such as St. Albert Chmielewski - an excellent painter, who gave up art for the poor), or Cardinal Sapieha (who want to retire, but the words of Pope Pius XII remained in Krakow, and lived according to his ideals, so that the Communists simply were afraid to oppose him). Mentioned in this book is a holy person is not accidental, but the ones that played a huge role in the life of Karol Wojtyla, then Pope John Paul II. He left the theater and develop their passion (such as Brother Albert), and entered the seminary.

John Paul II pisał o świętych znanych z tradycji od wieków, o błogosławionych, ale także o tych, którzy choć nie oficjalnie ogłoszeni, to także kroczący tą piękną drogą. Papież swym życiem dał innym świadectwo wiary i słowa ,,Santo Subito” kierowane pod jego adresem częściowo urzeczywistniły się. Ten, który kierował się postawami świętych (i to różnych), sam znalazł się wśród nich jako błogosławiony, a miejmy nadzieję, że wkrótce już tak jak oni - jako święty. Warto poczytać, kto był ważny dla Papieża Polaka (Especially after his beatification.)

book no doubt many will again turn to the works of the Polish Pope, who not only wrote encyclicals, but the letter of approaching a variety of literary genres. In addition, this position is well taken, rich in quotes and photos, and undoubtedly provides a valuable souvenir of beatification of John Paul II.


Mr. King made a correction to the bookstore Babiuch

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quotes come from:
1) John Paul II - ,, My Saints "ed. Znak, Kraków 2011, the selection and arrangement: Justin Kiliańczyk - Chaffinch

Illustrations come successively with
1) http://www.literatura.gildia .com / creators / john-paul-ii / my-world
3) xml


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