Continuous floor - Individual Exhibition Moreno Moga
Celarg NG Hall, Altamira, Caracas - Venezuela.
Inauguration: October 8. With the presentation of the Jazz Ensemble of Daniel Pacheco and Jose Oliveros. Until December 5, 2010.
Continuous Habitable , solo exhibition of Jesus Moreno Moga, pick a set of paintings , drawings, assemblages and installations where, from the urban focus, the relationship object - subject - Context is analyzed to show the understanding of space as a continuum in constant flux, reflecting on the possibility or impossibility of defining the space and the technological as a living space for man. Also, the landscape and portrait acquire new capabilities in its proposal, starting from here - now you move the local plastics.
graduate of the Institute "Armando Reveron" Jesus Moga has developed a proposal that refreshes the current art scene, linking the pictorial and sculptural forms with your proposal sound art, showing a little known aspect of contemporary Venezuelan art.
Carmen Hernandez says: continuous habitable "... the artist reveals the expanded notion of space that is building for himself the contemporary urban subject in constant connection with the outside world through interactive communication extensions. .. " (From the catalog of the exhibition)
Moreno has exhibited his art work in various areas, such as the National Hall of Fire Arts, Living Juan Lovera, Dycvensa Salon, among others. Has been recognized with honors at the 2nd biennial Strokes Art Gallery, and the scholarship for the encouragement of Arts Gallery Cesar Rengifo.
currently devoted to painting, assembly, and the launch of its first album solo, " Landscapes," which can be heard on the site: http://www.myspace. com / audioramamldesormi
Acknowledgements: Mr. Pedro Sansz, Violette Bule, Eduardo; Jennine Guzman, Manuel Marquez, Carmen Hernandez, Felix Suazo, equipment production and assembly of CELARG.
Photos: Courtesy of Martin Ustariz, file the CELARG.
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