Essays about void - Towards a comprehension of paint as support of a continuous space
Currently, I work my painting with Acrylics, charcoal, spray, pencil. For me is very important to show the void space and the layers Which I considery space is made of, like elements for a translation from the sounds of the enviroment That surrounds me.
My artwork is deeply linked to the city and the elements it contains like That noises, lanscapes and colors. My paintings talk about conections between man and his enviroment and how this relation becomes into a universal space, trough space lived and experienced.
About methods, processes graphics as litography, sculpture and assemblages have a kind of magic, where I have found a very personal way to handle tools from another disciplines at my plastic work to make this proposal. The researching about theese methods have given me a very personal focus about the way which my work speak, my plastic language and my point of view about what painting is .
Painting is a dialogue, a kind of meditation wich shows a text where noise and poetry are a personal code; a code that reveals what surround us and bring us to ask ourselves if we are a part of that enviroment or if it is a part of us, if is simply a world outside or if that place is a world wich is inside us.
Always we are surrounded by a multiplicity of sounds. They becomes into a matter which is by himself an untouchable matter, which sometimes I work as he is, and that sometimes I use like a -text- for a translation.
This translations could be an autobigraphic text, a narration, or even a description of places that comes from the experience that we have with the enviroment.
Ensayos sobre vacìo - Hacia una comprension de la pintura como soporte de un espacio continuo
En la actualidad, trabajo mì pintura con acrílico, carboncillo, spray, lápiz. To me it is very important to show the gaps and the layers of what I consider is the fact that space as elements of a translation of the ambient sounds around me.
My work is deeply connected to the city and the elements it contains, such as noise, landscape and colors. My paintings speak of connections between humans and their environment and how this relationship becomes a universal space, through space lived and experienced. About
methods, graphic processes as lithography, sculpture and assemblage have a magic, where I found a very personal way to handle the tools of other disciplines in my artwork for make my proposal. Research on these methods has given me a very personal approach on how to speak my work, my artistic language and my point of view about what painting is.
Painting is a dialogue, a kind of meditation that displays a text where the noise and poetry are a personal code, a code that reveals what surrounds us and makes us wonder if we are part of that environment or whether it is a part of us, whether it is simply an external world or if there is a world that is within us.
We are always surrounded by a multitude of sounds. They come to be in itself an intangible matters that sometimes work as and sometimes is used as a text for a translation.
These translations can be an autobiographical text, a narrative or description of places that come from our experience with the environment.
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