Sunday, September 13, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
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This language shows a personal view of the environment, understanding it like a net of spatial behaviors, which contains the being who contains itself an inner space. Looking to show how those places are connected, he has developed a plastic work which understands the city like a sensible machine where object and subject are a spatial continuity, from the inner space of the citizen to his external environment, and from these to the ambiance; using his plastics recourses to generate landscapes, devices and portraits that want to display how the space it´s a continuity given between the environment and who lives there, and how the city’s external space is linked to the inner space of human being.
His plastic research has been linked to his musical and poetic work, topics that we can see mixed in his proposal. In fact, in 1999 he received the first prize of the “8th tournament of poetry for high school students” of the Casa de la poesía “J.A Pérez Bonalde”. His artwork has been recognized in local tournaments with special mentions and scholarships, and has been showed in several exhibitions of paint, sculpture and pottery. On this way, we can find a specific identity in his work, which see trough the space for display connections that exists inside them, and how city and men exists like a mix of noise and poetry.
For Mogá, everyday things contains a inner space where feelings, emotions and sensations of men are present like a kind of immaterial substance, and they are a bridge for those spaces, this that we can see and touch, and these that we can perceive but that don´t exist like a concrete fact. For this, he thinks art like a threshold between both comprehensions of space, and carry us to ask ourselves where it starts and where it ends the exterior and inner space, how much of the city it´s in us, and how much of us is in it.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
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Friday, April 17, 2009
Mount And Blade Instancing

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Habits of Good Friday Lamentations and sealing job
Holy Sepulchre
Good Friday (Easter Friday, the Dry Good Friday, Good Friday) is a day of mourning for the entire Christianity on this day he was crucified and died Savior of the world. Aliturgica Day, because the Mass is the bloodless sacrifice of Christ, in the guise of bread and wine, while the second sacrifices can not make the same day. On the evening of this day is the Lord Lamentations Denia officiating. Amid church
Saint remove Epitaph (which I imagine the Savior died, surrounded by the Apostles and Our Lady) under which everyone goes, until Saturday afternoon. At dawn on Easter is gone again and the Holy shrine is situated on the holy table, where it remains until the Wednesday before Ascension. It is said that those who pass three times in St. Air is not a headache, and his mid-year, and if they wipe the eyes with the edge epitaph will not suffer from sore eyes.
These days he is told and the Dry Friday for fasting fasting as old women, and in the evening, the Lamentations Denia Lord, taking the holy bread from the church. After chanting Lamentations Lord three times around the whole church council, the Holy Epitaph, which is then placed on the table in the middle of the church. At the end of the service, women go to the graves, light candles and mourn his death. At the end of Mass, the priest was customary to share flowers, which were considered to be good medicine. The world, in the past, go home with candles lit on the road and death to know the big day came. Bors three times and going home, they worshiped, were many candles lit in a tree or just the four walls of the entrance beam and kept the candle for times of distress.
The people believed that if it rains on Good Friday will be Manos year, and if not, will not be fruitful. Some believe that if it sinks in cold water three times in this day will be healthy all year. Women do not fill in this soup day, devil not bathe in it, not bake bread or something, do not burn the hands of the Mother of God, no cart, not blind, not woven, not spin, do not wash, not a Holy upset Friday, smoked incense house, surrounding it three times in the early days for bugs and beasts not approach the house and trees. Children gather flowers from the field and they go to church.
uplifting day of mourning, silence and meditation, especially on Good Friday is honored by participating in the service of the Lord Lamentations. So she remains in the consciousness of contemporary Romans. Dr. Julian Bancescu
Monday, March 30, 2009
Why Brazilians Look White
Rumors, words continue to flow around corners. Interestingly, at least 90% is pretty true.
1. It seems that there is a company from Maramures that painted all Electrical poles across the country (though they say it's monopoly .... so they say). Only from Electrica Brasov last year earned 55 billion old lei .... plus this company is due to Bucharest .. Let me tell
this company has "contracts" and all national Electrifcare CFR? Playing the game gallows
company name is composed of only 3 letters. What is with the economy and your business in Romania.
2. World, world, says criminals Fagaras zone on corners, of course, leads police Fagaras an acute shortage of police handcuffs .... kids do not have the courage to ask, and the big ones do not care that. .... I propose to donate each have a ball of string to help the people of law.
3. Also on the corners to hear that some local council of Brasov PDL were tired of the dictatorship led by the Moldavian Buruienesti Bacchus cohabiting with great regret Kraila ... some advice and went into the CL affairs are supervised by some followers of the Moldavian blood.
4. Bistro 2003 will remind employees (part of the SC. Consilprest. SRL company County Council) did not receive their seniority (where applicable). I'll say this case until its employees will receive rights that are given by LEGE.Poate at some point someone will seize and this news reached the ears of whom must.
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What's your music and today. We received several comments on the style of music approached by Margineanu ba it would play ....." urban folk "or it's a void in music and" borrow "songs and sing them I have ...... even more upset with this kind and this singer. So I
decided to share the prize you want from those who have written on blog.Insa must decide what prize you choose to reach everyone ... I guess I will not want glass of wine.
are 5 people (Dora, vlad, killer, Ionut and Lavinia) who responded to my request and I thank you tried to convince me in any way to see the response altul.Astept whose award will decide.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Take Arginine To Grow
Q: What kind of music Mihai Margineanu approach?
Can you manage to make me understand .... that I argued with a colleague about it and she says out loud that the great folk singer Mihai Margineanu approaches like .... I do not really have the musical knowledge and Therefore I ask you ... I promise that one who will make me understand and I like the music it plays Margineanu will have to choose between a bottle of house wine, 10 beers (500 ml / bottle / Romanian), 10 juice (500 ml / sticla-naturale/cu acid) or a carton of water (500 ml / pet-payment / mineral).
Update: Contest you to Sunday (3/29/2009) at 18 ..... the winner will be heard Monday, 30/03/2009 at 9 o'clock. Anonymous of course have the smallest chance of winning.
Charter Communications Dvr Hacks
three months have passed since the new parliament started their parliamentary work (after investing gurvernului had a vacation until February 1st) and I wanted to see what they did at this time in parliament where the colleges were voted. MPs begin with PD-L:
1. Andronache Gabriel
He had eight speeches in plenary:
- when he was first sworn
- 2. Debating the draft law amending and completing Government Ordinance nr.2/2000 technical expertise regarding the organization of judicial and extrajudicial and nr.75/2000 Government Ordinance authorizing forensic experts may be recommended by the Parties in conducting forensic expert - February 16, 2009
read and what I said in this debate:
"Gabriel Andronache, secretary of the Commission are legal.
Judiciary Committee was asked to fund the bill described above.
Chamber of Deputies is the decisional Chamber.
Senate, as a first notified Chamber, the bill passed at the meeting of 27 November 2007.
Legislative Council endorsed the legislative initiative.
Equal Opportunities Commission has endorsed, also favor the bill.
object of the legislation was introduced by Mrs. secretary of state.
Judiciary Committee discussed the legislative initiative in the meeting of 3 February 2009 and unanimously proposed for debate and adopting the draft law presented above, with the statement, as No. 8 in the material proposed for debate commission is found following: "This law transposes Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 7 September 2005 . Commission calls for this provision to be included at the end of the law.
In light of the purpose and content of the bill is part of ordinary laws.
Thanks. "
- 3. Debating the draft for Romania's accession to the International Convention on Civil Liability for 2001 damage caused by bunker oil pollution from ships (Bunkers), adopted in London on 23 March 2001-24 2009
"Legal, Discipline and Immunities was referred to the bill mentioned before. Chamber of Deputies is the first notified Chamber. The Committee endorsed the industry and services. The Legislative Council also endorsed. Scope of the Law has been submitted.
Consequently, the Legal, Discipline and Immunities Committee unanimously decided to Chamber of Deputies votes to propose the adoption this bill.
This legislative initiative in relation to its subject matter and content, is part of ordinary laws.
Thank you. "
- 4. Debating the draft law approving Government Emergency Ordinance amending and supplementing nr.195/2008 normative acts of justice - February 24, 2009
" Legal, Discipline and Immunities was asked to debate the bill mentioned above.
Chamber of Deputies is the first notified Chamber, the Legislative Council endorsed favor of this project, Labour and Social Committee endorsed as well.
However, the Superior Council of Magistracy endorsed the bill.
regulatory purpose has been presented.
In relation to the mentioned before, the Legal, Discipline and Immunities Committee decided unanimously to submit for consideration and adoption by the bill, with amendments allowed are given in the Annex to this report.
In light of the purpose and content, this bill is part of the organic laws.
Thank you. "
- 5. Debating the draft law approving Government Emergency Ordinance nr.137/2008 for extension of time - 2009
"Dear colleagues, dear colleagues
Legal, Discipline and Immunities Committee was asked to debate essentially the bill mentioned above.
Chamber of Deputies is the first notified Chamber.
Legislative Council endorsed the project as, in fact, the Superior Council of Magistracy.
regulatory purpose has been presented by Mrs. secretary of state.
Legal, Discipline and Immunities met to discuss the project at its meeting of 18 February 2009.
Following discussion, the committee decided unanimously to submit to the Chamber of Deputies for debate and adoption, the draft law approving Government Emergency Ordinance nr.137/2008 for extension of time.
This legislative initiative is part of the organic laws.
Thank you. "
- 6. Debating the draft law approving Government Emergency Ordinance nr.75/2008 on the establishment of measures to address financial issues justice system - March 10, 2009
"Dear colleagues, Dear colleagues
Legal, Discipline and Immunities Committee was asked to debate, in fact, in an emergency procedure, with the bill mentioned above.
Camera Deputies is the decisional Chamber. The Senate approved the bill. Legislative Council endorsed the legislative initiative, also the Superior Council of Magistracy.
regulatory purpose has been presented. At the hearing on March 2, 2009, the Chamber of Deputies decided retried Commission's legislative initiative Legal, Discipline and Immunities Committee for review and filing a new report.
Legal, Discipline and Immunities Committee has reviewed and decided by majority vote, subject to the Chamber of Deputies for debate and adoption, the bill allowed a number of amendments that we request that you endorse.
In light of the purpose and content of the bill is part of ordinary laws.
Mrs. President, I propose five minutes for debate on the articles. "
- 7. Debating the draft law approving Nr.187/2008 Government Emergency Ordinance amending and supplementing the Law on Asylum in Romania no.122/2006 - March 17, 2009
"My name is Gabriel Andronache. Are the Legal Secretary.
Legal, Discipline and immunities and Defence, public order and national security have been referred for debate in the fund, emergency procedure, the draft law approving Government Emergency Ordinance nr.187/2008 to amend Law no.122 / 2006 on asylum in Romania.
Chamber of Deputies is Decisional Chamber.
Senate, as a first notified Chamber, adopted this legislative initiative. Also, the Legislative Council endorsed the bill. Commission on Human Rights, Cults and National Minorities met, also favorable. Subject to regulatory concerns
correlation of this ordinance with the Constitution, having regard to the Constitutional Court decision that found unconstitutional nr.604/2008 Article121, as well as other provisions in close contact with them.
Following discussion, two committee members unanimously decided to propose to the Chamber of Deputies adopted the bill as submitted by the Government and adopted without amendment by the Senate.
The bill is part of ordinary laws.
In the debate, I propose three minutes for general discussion and debate on items a minute.
Thanks. "
- 8. Debating the draft law approving Government Emergency Ordinance no. 77/2008 for completing article 3 of the Government Ordinance no. 32/1995 on judicial stamp-March 17, 2009
"Legal, Discipline and Immunities Committee was asked to debate emergency fund in case the bill that was presented by the representative of the ministry.
Senate, as a first notified Chamber, the bill passed.
Chamber decision is the Chamber of Deputies.
Legislative Council endorsed also favorable draft emergency ordinance.
regulatory purpose has been presented.
committee members unanimously decided to submit to the Chamber of Deputies for debate and adoption of draft law on Ordinance approving emergency department with a technical amendment of laws, which was accepted and is shown in the Annex to this report.
legislative initiative is part of ordinary laws.
propose five minutes for discussion. "Mr Deputy
Andronache legilativa also a proposal together with other colleagues from the PD 101-L:" nr.96/2006 Legislative Proposal to amend the Law on the Statute for Members and Senators, as amended and supplemented "
This proposal received a favorable opinion with some amendments, among which one is a asemanetoare initiative was formulated in November 2008 by Liberal MPs.
Mr Deputy Michael Dontu
activity - PNL
four speeches in plenary:
- was first sworn
- Two: Debates on the State Budget Law 2009 - February 17, 2009
"Honored presidium,
Dear colleagues, I will support
two amendments, I do not know if I have a chance to speak. Both concerns are contained in sections 6 and Annex E, in the" other ", where liberal amendments.
Namely, it is proposed to introduce a new article as follows: "During the whole year, authorizing officers may make transfers from budget appropriations notwithstanding no.273/2006 Law on Local Public Finance, 48, article 49 point 1 and point 7. "
also read the following amendment "Alin. (2) and (3) is repealed."
support this amendment since the local autonomy principle, we want to lift those restrictions relating to restrictions on the transfers of appropriations only in the third quarter budget year.
Thank you. "
- 3. Further discussions on the draft State Budget Law for the year 2009-18 ferbruarie 2009
"Honored presidium,
Dear colleagues, I came before you to say ten amendments referring to Brasov.
I mention at the outset that all these amendments relate to common mayor of all political stripes .
So it is not biased and, therefore, believe that all of you, especially parliamentarians of Brasov, I will support. Annex. 3/15/29, from 822 to 832, of the annex. 2E .
at position 822 is proposed to allocate EUR 2,500 thousand, an amount provided for the investment project "Water Supply System Jibert and sanitation.
The position is proposed to allocate EUR 823 500 thousand, an amount provided for the investment project "System of drainage water and drainage in the village Mercheasa medieval fortress, the village Homorod.
Heading 824 is proposed to allocate EUR 2,000 thousand for the investment project "Network of sewerage and sewage treatment plant in the village Augustin, Brasov county.
at position 825 is proposed to allocate EUR 2,000 thousand for the investment project" Water Supply System in villages and Cutuş Crizbav and wastewater collection system, treatment plant in Crizbav village, commune Crizbav.
at position 826, EUR 500 thousand for the investment project "Repair paved roads, streets and sidewalks in the village Hoghiz.
at position 827 is proposed sum of 500,000 lei, the draft investments Repair paved roads, streets and sidewalks in the village Racoş, Brasov county.
at position 828, the amount of 500,000 lei, the amount provided for the investment project "Repair paved roads, streets and sidewalks Comana village, Brasov County."
The position is proposed to allocate EUR 829 500 thousand, an amount expected investment project "Repair paved roads, streets and sidewalks in the village Ticuşu.
At position 830, the amount of 500,000 lei, the amount provided for the investment project "Repair paved roads, streets and sidewalks in the village Şoarş.
At position 831, EUR 500 thousand, investment amount for the project "Repair paved roads, streets and sidewalks in Cincu village, Brasov County.
At position 832, the amount of 500,000 lei, the amount provided for the investment project "Repair paved roads, streets and sidewalks in the village Ormeniş.
Mr President, my request is to bound
vote independently, each of these amendments.
Thanks. "
" Honored presidium,
A gentleman to speak before a minister and I believe this to be the lucky one that I will support the amendment.
Since the amendments referred to the college part was rejected, going to try my luck with another school and hope to have more success.
It's 1058 amendment of the Schedule heading. 3 / 15 and refers to the common deer, namely proposal for adding a set amount for the county of Hunedoara, the objective of communal road paving Arănieş DC121 - DC115A Ulm.
amount is 327,759 thousand and proposed funding source is the budget of the Presidential Administration.
Given the traffic conditions there, I'm sure we have your support for the rehabilitation of this road.
Thanks. "
" My name is Michael and I had Dontu two interventions.
I will come more often, do not forget me. "
" Honored presidium,
Colleagues, serial number of the amendment
to you it is subject to debate in 1059, annex. 3/15/2, Chapter 5001, Group 5, art. 02 para. 20, and refers back to the village ... refers to the common deer in Hunedoara county.
I have argued that common at this microphone, I'll take it as a place of adoption, and now refer to the objective of water supply in villages and Socet Feregi "are two of the villages belonging to the common water supply is strictly necessary, given the isolated area and access is difficult in these villages.
can assure you that in these localities, but also throughout palinca area is a very good, and therefore deserve to have a very good water.
I'm counting on your vote in favor.
Thanks. "
" Thank you, Mr. Chairman of the meeting. Honored
Amendment of heading 1074 of Schedule. 3/15/02 - Ministry of Regional Development and Housing, Chapter 5001, Group 5, art. 02 para. 20, referring to the river town of Mori, Hunedoara county, and is proposed to supplement the amount provided for the purpose of Hunedoara County "Extension of water supply networks in villages and Breakfast Ostrovu Ostrovu Great, from the village said.
I mention that is most common in the country, size, and the two localities are in the area of \u200b\u200btourism and agro-tourist development, and in this respect are convinced that your vote will support this development .
Thank you. "
" amendment that I propose is to position 478 of the annex. 3/15/02, Group 51, art. 02 para. 04, "Program for home building and gyms, and refers to common tree Slobozia, Vrancea County.
This amendment is proposed to allocate EUR 2.5 million lei to start construction of a sports hall in this village.
mention that there is no gym in this village, and applicants, especially young people, are those that require this funding.
also mention that compared to the previous Government, this Government, I am sure, will be more generous with the community and the funding source, although it is noted that not specified.
may be the Presidential Administration.
Thank you. "
" Hello presidium,
Colleagues, Gentlemen
Vrancea County Council Chairman Sir, I am pleased to submit your vote an amendment that is at position 479, Annex. 3/15/02 - Ministry of Regional Development and Housing, namely to allocate EUR 10 million lei to start work on a sewer system and treatment plant in the village of Slobozia tree ... Come back and say that money is for the sewage treatment plant for waste water disposal system and a way to start the works of local interest, Coroteni, DN2, integrated project.
This funding is required to raise living in the community and to enhance the conditions of those people.
This amendment is part of the government, because it relates to infrastructure on the one hand, and creating ... Thank you. "
" Firstly, I want to say hello and I on the Prime Minister for coming, though it later.
Mr. Prime Minister, you have been waiting all morning with parking gendarmes released. Welcome
not, unfortunately, but nothing is good and later.
idea of \u200b\u200bmy intervention on the proceedings all day is that I requested from the Government viewpoints. You
you today urged ministers to come to Parliament and to hold views on each ministry, as lawmakers asking them. Unfortunately
ministers did not come, but I see that you have sent.
Thank you. "
" Honored presidium,
I am pleased to support an amendment to the State Budget Law for 2009 and is a pleasure to say that it is an amendment on an area funded with an amount of 147.53 million lei. It is
entire chapter on thermal insulation blocks.
My wish now is to nominate the State Budget Law for 2009, for the city for proposing joint insulation is Rupea, a small town, and because we have a certain reluctance: lest we not finance these small towns in the outskirts of the counties.
therefore subject to the vote the amendment refers to allocate EUR 1,200 thousand, an amount necessary insulation of collective housing in the city center.
also mention that the mayor and city council are throughout most of the PD-L, so I think we will have votes PD-L colleagues. Same problem: collective housing insulation, this time in the city Codlea.
We fear that it will reach a situation where towns will not be funded by the isolation of collective housing.
Therefore, given that this chapter is financed from state budget - and we sum - I propose to allocate EUR 5,000 thousand for Codlea, Brasov. Most
chief advisers and the mayor are PD-L. "
- 4. Continuing the debate on the draft State Budget Law 2009 - February 19, 2009
" Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues
Wine in front of you to support this amendment with reference to County Road 104-Hoghiz Sercaia Brasov county. Basically, it is a strap connecting the DN 1 and DN 13, the road that goes from Fagaras and the road that goes to Targu Mures. The road is in an advanced state of decay. On this road is the combination of cement from Hoghiz. Truck traffic is the oversized, and infrastructure, road substructure practice does not allow this traffic. So, basically, have restored the entire road system and should be done the four common detour going through it.
Therefore, we propose the allocation from the Ministry of Transport, Chapter 8401, allocating EUR 8 million lei, for completion of the project amounts and technical feasibility.
mention that, although county road and normally he has to deal with the county council is the final stage of the national road classification and it lacks only the approval of the Ministry of Justice. It appears that you have obtained this month.
Therefore, my plea is, given the state of the road, to vote for this amendment and to exempt those people over there and an endless nightmare of a situation in which homes and their lives are endangered.
We trust that lawmakers from Brasov, but others will vote for this amendment.
Thank you. "
" Honored presidium,
back with an amendment regarding a settlement of all my college. It is the city Codlea ocolitorii and refers to the achievement of this city. Currently, there are feasibility study, and the amount proposed by the amendment and 7 million is needed for technical and project start expropriation for making this detour.
Codlea mention that the city is crossed by a DN between Brasov and Fagaras, and achieving this would relieve the traffic roundabout and around the historic center of town.
amount is 7 million, as I said, and the source of funding is the Government's reserve fund.
Please vote. "
course all the amendments proposed by Mr Michael Dontu deputy were dismissed.
Deputy Lord legilativa Dontu has a proposal along with 35 MPs from the PNL and PSD + PC:" Legislative Proposal on Agriculture Chambers Development Rural
Besides Mr Deputy Dontu signed and simple motion regarding the Minister of Education: Education as censorship Catherine Andronescu - history repeats itself.
Maine lawmakers return to the other two: one from the other PSD PD-L.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
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'll start posting every Tuesday "the wind "..... words spoken and unspoken words on corners .... that were true, it they were true or just some "barabule.
1. Cica Relu Fenechiu 14 votes was not fixed in the PNL Central Permanent Bureau ... walk it like he conquered all with free coffee on the Liberal congress .. ..... the coffee ...
Neamu 2. Employees (waiters and bartenders, the rest do not know anything) Bistro 2003 (former canteen of the party) under the patronage of the Brasov County Council is not receiving their seniority (of course those who fit this gain) even if still a law in this respect (Mr., than making crack, BOC would want to remove this gain), and someone from management came in 2003 with the excuse Bistro ABSOLUTELY awkward and liars "you can not receive because they receive seniority and overtime "!!!! Well then I propose to give them not only pay as they receive no money from customers when they pay for drinks or food to be served and volunteers offer .... to come home with money for the bosses who have goodness employee at the restaurant.
3. It seems that there are problems with Brasov City Hall ..... money money money .... Buruienesti Moldavian the mayor or the Moldavian Buruienesti money? Be a part of someone else to blame palitura at the Moldavian Buruienesti?
4. Local councilor PD (N)-L Jica Radu was bragging that a certain company's shareholder acts ....... Chamber of Commerce say anything ...... that was committed (not shareholders) to another company to lie ...... papers? Hmmmmm ..... what's your name ... these acts and companies can not say no one gives me money to advertise them in this crisis .... ..... and the wind blows their wallets .
I noticed that no two days the wind blows stronger ...... probably be due to a breeze big trees .... because nemaiavand Constanta Brasov to have something in common with them ..... ..... shame that the sea breeze past without the chill wind of 20 .... but we expect the next one.
Friday, March 20, 2009
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After a few minutes before and who will lead the Liberals to the next site, at least two years (as president of the Liberal lead status four years). It is Crin Antonescu.
votes cast were: Anton Calin Popescu Tariceanu - Crin Antonescu and 546 votes - 873 votes and 12 votes were invalid. Calin Popescu Tariceanu
Congratulations to those four years in leading the party ... with good and bad! Congratulations
Antonescu because the party won the elections and continued success in work Why is waiting .....
The "succesuri" is someone else seems to have a party ..... Aschau
stub does not jump away from the rest is silence ...
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"Did you want a renovation enough time now to save some money ie come to a serious team noi.sintem we like quality and beauty, all in the egzecutam constructions, plasters, tiles, plasterboard, etc.lucram cheap and fast (black or natural) ochazia not miss this call will not regreta.rugam nr.0749788061.si seriously. "
This announcement makes me believe that is the crisis in the Roman grammar Gazette Express .... but if it undertakes to promote their online and newspaper ads online ads .. who knows more than you'll give more later ..... "They" maybe there's a new way to attract the unemployed to work. Thanks for the tip
Beatrice .... and how 'fragment does not jump on the stump "and wait to see coferintele press led by the Moldavian party to such language .... Buruienesti an area that only you Ghita BRE huh? Go
International Book Fair and Music from Transylvania University in Brasov Hall which is open until Sunday from 10 am to 20 pm every day ...... Mr Kraila
Sunday, March 15, 2009
No Cd для Aoe
today will want to win at poker books with your friends, Mr Loga, Mr. Tibi and of course the former senator from Brasov PSD (for some reason the name escapes me now but I promise to tell you when I remember) the amount you owe the state of affairs that we have ... you know very well .... and if you maybe put pennies remains something of a glass of red wine with cola.
And to conclude a beautiful Sunday morning as befits a glass will dedicate a song for you and your fellow party, the Moldavian Buruienesti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v
= XeM0lS0tkFM
"Whatever you say now look to tomorrow
Talk wine to me
Not taking into account everything you say, what do you ... Without
I do not want change, you understand me
I just need you, Love and Money
days I do not, you keep one for me And when
be worst we go so well.
bind us much too long, it's not like to delete
But everything start to look more beautiful and was wrong Instead
always remember everything that was bad
And your hurt every time you think
Tell me why you stay away, why you treat me so
I feel suspicious, you always catch me with something
But after the rain comes the sun in your day Even if I
And more nonsense
say much crap, you know
Everything you say now look to tomorrow
Talk wine to me
Stop taking everything I tell you, what do
Without you ... (George). "Let's
encounter a glass ..... HAC!! HAC!!
I love my jokes! HA-HA-HA-HA
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
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deonotologii ... thank you for all ....
There are few things written about Mr Deputy Andronache .....
Do not forget that he is a professor of law at two universities: George Baritiu Transylvania .... but maybe that takes money directly on the card does not have to go in the statement of assets .....
salary as president of ABMEE not remember for those that have already posted from Brasov thy face steal ..... brother .... but what difference does a "hot" in addition to this town Moldavian led to Buruienesti? He had to learn from Aschau ..... no salt remains on the CIOTAT .... Now I think that's his stump and that is splinter.
last night I saw a report on the RTT on the "shared Mr Deputy Andronache trinkets from March 1 by young students' party led with authority and cunning of the Moldavian deputy Buruienesti was ..... I mean the heart and mind .... ladies in Brasov and the physical flourishing elsewhere in the country. Park would be Superman .... and yes he is in Bv trinkets now Judiciary Committee voted for the same good ladies and college girls in Brasov 5. In my opinion it is a multifunctional member ... shame that the law allows them to be and deputy mayor or MEP in the same time I saw a news bulletin filled only with heroic deeds and honorable gentlemen distinguished Andronache Gabriel.
'll start planting period in Brasov hedge ... I'd like to see him in the neighborhood Steagu as planting that other years .... I know that made them so happy and "win votes for next election" According to my opinion ..... distinguished member of the professional
PS: Forest without brushwood there ....... . Mr. Deputy huh? Thanks to Ethics
Friday, February 27, 2009
Slight Pain In Left Waist
As is apparent from the declaration of assets filed with the Chamber of Deputies Mr Deputy Gabriel Andronache income earned as deputy !! http://www.cdep.ro/pls/parlam/structura.mp?idm=9&cam=2&leg=2008&pag=5&idl=1 Brasov municipality until that voted (mostly) by the citizens (who have to vote of course) College No. 5 in Brasov. Girl 30.07.2008 when he filed the declaration of assets as alderman of the city of Brasov and obtained revenue http://www.brasovcity.ro/file-zone/declaratii/pdf/Cons/250 51.677 RON. pdf rounding their income over four months over a total of 60.812 RON 9.135 RON only the quality of deputy mayor as shown in the wealth statement submitted to the Chamber of Deputies on 12/14/2008. Doing a simple calculation in the last four months (August, September, October and November) of "vice" Mr Andronache earned U.S. $ 2283.75 per month!! Would be interesting to know how he took money for a function that has not been since June of 2008.
How about the work of deputy
dance when I'll tell you what ... currently has only two speeches, one when he was sworn ...... but not with the other MPs Brasov I'm not ashamed.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Bilingual Wedding Program Template
passed Valentine's Day or Dragobetele ... and follows a March 8 .... .... increased sales of condoms can be put, and others made condoms Condoms :))))
NIKE: Just do it. Condoms
Pepsi: Ask for more.
Pringles Condoms: You once pop, you can not stop.
M & M Condoms: You melt in your mouth, not in hand. Condoms
Visa: Not leaving the house without him. Yahoo
Condoms: Do you Yahoo? Duracell Condoms
... lasts lasts lasts ... Condoms
Microsoft: So where you going today? Condoms
OB: No moves, no notes, nothing happens. UEFA
Condoms: The Chaaaaampioooooonnnnsss ... RED BULL
Condoms: Do you give aaaaaaaaripi. Petit suisse
Condoms: When I was little, my mother gave me. Condoms
McDonald's: 2x500 offer. Condoms
Nokia Connecting People. Condoms
L'Oreal: "Because they deserve. Condoms
Samsung Everyone is Invited. Danone
Condoms: Do not stop! Do not stop! Carlsberg Condoms
: Probably the best condom in the world. Condoms
Ferrero Rocher: I was craving for something sweet. Condoms
Dove: 1 / 4 moisturizing cream. Cif
Condoms: no friction.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Brazilian Bikini Wax Demo
In times of economic crisis you have to respect the 10 commandments .... but not those in the Bible, but those of survival:)
1. Do not ever smoke outside when the wind blows! It is possible to catch only 2-3 puffs of smoke.
2. Watch where you're going! It is possible to find some pennies, just good tau.In pocket plus, you avoid ironing some urban shit.
3. After PRINCIPLES "make your sled in the summer, cycling and winter, you do not windows open in summer! It is possible to 'save' a few degrees Celsius, your apartment for winter to come.
4. Do not load your home phone ever! You have plenty of places where you can do (school / job / restaurant).
5. Do not light a candle in the bathroom! And blind people make their own needs.
6. Shoot water once a day! The planet is becoming more ill and thus you will help you.
7. When you throw, you clenched teeth, not big chunks out! If you midline, sealing it with language.
8. Do not force yourself to eat! If you can not, put the rest in a food bag and keep it for days fomiste.
9. Do not run! You burn calories and you will get hungry.
10. Be smart! Participate in the election and you'll save herself a few days 'hunger'.
God help! Amen .....
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Mark Yusko Endowment Fund Performance
was once like in the stories
was in Romania,
A large gang of punks,
What drove slavery. We do not have
confused with "good people" and neo-communist
With no shame.
R: Better renegade, traitor
Rather than, better
Rather than dictator
better punk,
Rather than activist, Better dead
Rather than communist. We want freedom
Nor There
shape changes and, therefore, Intelligence,
Let us not put the rule.
We do not want neo-communism,
neolibertate No, "Democrats' original
And even blatant lies.
R.Ne have asked why we are here
But she knows across the country,
We support Section 8
of Timisoara. Fall
What you TVR
Legînd in her chains,
Even the words! R.
Elections without communists
Without nomenclature,
And do not fear
punks Without coloration. Of those who died
We are back ghosts
was no longer as
carnage since
R: Better renegade, traitor Rather than
, May
Well bully,
Rather than dictator
better punk,
Rather than activist, Better dead
Rather than communist.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Sinus Infection Bloody Diareah
How sad, what a shame and yet it happened, happens and unfortunately will happen in Brasov, a city of the story:
September 27, 1998 - Head valutistilor (Adrian Gaboreanu) slaughtered by 19 strokes
December 26, 2002 - Abi and Doru Fatulescu were found shot in apartment
December 6, 2004 - two employees of a pharmacy in the center of the city were killed with a screwdriver, a man still remains unknown .
May 2007 and August 2007 - 2 tinere ucise cu sange rece de catre Ionut George Nicolae
Septembrie 2007 - presupusa ucidere a Elodiei
29 ianuarie 2009 - 2 morti si un ranit grav dupa un atac armat la o casă de schimb din zona centrală a oraşului.
Sa mai pomenim de bataia dintre valutisti si cei din Noua din septembrie 1999?Bataia de la Scotch Club din anul de gratie 1999! Atacurile ursilor in oras si de multe ori s-a lasat cu raniti sau chiar pierderi de vieti omenesti!!!
Toate aceste intamplari si din pacate nu sunt numai acestea ( doar de astea mi-am amintit) fac din Brasov un ORAS DE POVESTE. Asa ne promovam orasul,cultura,valorile si bineinteles tradiile pe meleaguri national or international !!!!!! BRASOV CITY OF STORY (so they call the city during the holiday season at the foot of the mountain). Brasov city
story to tell grandchildren over the years? No way ..... About
involvement AUTHORITIES
local, national may write a once was, now would be superfluous praise or criticism to any of their ...... but it is worth remembering that one person was killed last night to catch him on the attacker exchange house ... ... the rest were passers through life.
God rest them on all those who died would be nice to keep a moment of silence, light a candle and do not ever forget that about criminals ..... ....... ALL GOD will take care of them.
Brasov town story ......
!!!!!! GOD to forgive